SIMplyBee is an extension of the AlphaSimR package (https://cran.r-project.org/package=AlphaSimR) for stochastic simulations of honeybee populations and breeding programmes. It enables simulation of individual bees that form a colony, which includes a queen, fathers (drones the queen mated with), virgin queens, workers, and drones. Multiple colony can be merged into a population of colonies, such as an apiary or a whole country of colonies. Functions enable operations on castes, colony, or colonies, to ease R scripting of whole populations. All AlphaSimR functionality with respect to genomes and genetic and phenotype values is available and further extended for honeybees, including haplo-diploidy, csd locus, colony events (swarming, supersedure, etc.), and colony phenotype values.
See the introductory vignette on using this package by running:
vignette("Honeybee_biology", package="SIMplyBee")
Useful links: